Test Browser Extension 4.0.81

A very large image from a Vogue slide show.

Use the browser button to save. Should correctly pin a YouTube video and not just the thumbnail image.

An image from Flickr. Test that attribution successfully attaches by making your Pin to a public board, noting the pin ID, and opening up the widgets API call with the new pin ID. Attribution should look like this:

"attribution": {
  "provider_favicon_url": "https://s.pinimg.com/images/api/attrib/flickr.png",
  "provider_icon_url": "https://s.pinimg.com/images/api/attrib/flickr@2x.png",
  "author_url": "https://www.flickr.com/photos/kentbrew/",
  "title": "Next stop: Pinterest!",
  "url": "https://www.flickr.com/photos/kentbrew/6851755809/",
  "cc_url": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/",
  "provider_name": "flickr",
  "author_name": "kentbrew"

This is an animated GIF, so we will not try to render it through CANVAS and back-end crawling will occur as normal. Image picker should show the animated version.

This image has an inline data:URI for its source. It should save normally using the floating Save button or context menu but will not show on the grid. When pinned it should link to a rich article on Buzzfeed ("29 Of The Most Delicious Things You Can Do To Zucchini") and not this page.

As of this writing, this domain (hazardouskitchen.com) is using extra-paranoid leeching protection. If you don't see the image here, please visit the site and try saving. Pins should save with the test version (4.0.81) but not the production version (4.0.80).

Currently this domain (kitkemp.com) is blocking our image crawler. This image should save with the test version (4.0.81) but not the production version (4.0.80).